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Capture the imperfectly perfect moments


¨Scientists say we are made of atoms, but a little bird told me that we are made of stories.¨

Showcase Example of Family Fun Package:

The Souto Family 

David, Mayra & Mateo love sports, spending time outdoors, and doing fun activities together.

Together, we discussed what moments were important to capture and decided the best time for their session was sunrise. We went to a beautiful location, the mountains, where they spent some time just being with each other and enjoying the moment.

They danced, played, cuddled, told jokes, whispered each other and, most importantly, show all the love they have for each other.


 "I find magic in your mundane and spontaneous moments so you can have images full of emotion and connection to fill your soul for years to come!"

Hi, I’m Ayelen.

A little about me. I was born in Argentina and grew up in an artistic family. My fascination with wanting to draw with light led me to study cinema production. My love of family led me to become a proud mum to my son and daughter.


Today, I consider myself a citizen of the world who embraces the contrasts within. I’m a dulce de leche croissant on fine porcelain teaware, pá amb tomaquet (tomato on bread) on a picnic blanket in the sunshine, the scent of wet grass after rain, and a colourful South American harvest in March.


I believe our characters is the result of unique experiences: projects, places, books, sensory interactions, cultures, and more. Every day, these pieces fit together to create the brilliant and complex puzzles that are us.

I can't wait to meet you.

Photography is how I discover and celebrate contrasts in others. It is my passion to share in and capture your story.


Let's Capture Your Memories

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